"Children seldom or never dare to live a happier or more fulfilling life than their parents. Unconsciously they remain loyal to unspoken family traditions that work invisibly. Family Constellations are a way of discovering underlying family bonds and forces that have been carried unconsciously over several generations." - Bertold Ulsamer
The word "Constellation" refers to an "Internal Picture". This Somatic based therapeutic approach is a way of looking at subconscious patterns, inherited Epigenetic's (see below), relational patterns & systems, and the hidden heart-breaks and wounds we carry inside. Most of which we are not even aware of how deeply they effect us, but they do. Generation after generation, our inherited emotional and behavioral imprints keep showing up in our lives. Unknowingly, we may carry our ancestors unresolved issues generations later. This information is encoded in our energy fields, DNA, and cellular memories, and has an affect on our health and well being; mentally, emotionally, physically & at a soul level. The Constellation Therapy is a way of releasing these wounds and healing them once and for all.
Constellation Therapy as developed by Bert Hellinger, internationally renowned therapist.
From working with hundreds of Constellations, Bert Hellinger has discovered these previously hidden structures, the so-called Codes, or Orders of Love. The Constellations have made visible these previously hidden forces which operate in our relational life. A completely new source of knowledge about love has thus come to our attention. The Codes of Love are "relationship" determining patterns which influence the success or failure of love relationships and everything and everyone we are in relationship too.. They are a kind of “underlying truth” about relationships. The Codes have revealed the importance of belonging, bonding (attachment) as well as giving and taking in successful relationships.
An example of such a Code of Love is that children, out of blind love for their parents, may unknowingly live out the fate of an earlier family member. They may sacrifice their own destiny and sometimes even their own life. The Constellation Process aims to uncover these disruptions and entanglements so that all members of the family can find their own strength, dignity, love and purpose within the context of family belonging. Love is the guiding principle used for finding a resolution. Profound healing of emotional problems, family conflicts, and physical illnesses often result. Observed that many of us unconsciously "take on" destructive familial patterns of anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, aloneness, alcoholism and even illness as a way of "belonging" in our families.
What does Epigenetics have to do with anything? The new science of Epigenetic's is an unconventional finding. It goes against the idea that inheritance happens only through the DNA code that passes from parent to offspring but rather show how the environment of the mother, passed down to the fetus and then down the their children and so on influencing these future generations. It means that a parent's experiences, in the form of epigenetic tags, can be passed down to future generations. Hence trauma, toxic environmental exposure, stress, anxiety, depression can all influence the future generations not by DNA but through these Epigenetic tags. At the heart of this new field is the idea that genes have a 'memory'. That the lives of your parents (grandparents, great-grandparents...) the air they breathed, the food they ate, what they experienced can directly affect you, decades later, despite your never experiencing these things yourself. And that what you do in your lifetime could in turn affect your grandchildren. So in Constellation Work we are not only looking at visible & known family patterns but invisible and unknown inherited patterns.
When we resolve these old traumas, the interrupted love and life returns and flows into the family system and our children, and future generations no longer have to repeat these limiting patterns and traumatic events.
"Personally it's been one of the most powerful therapies I have ever experienced. It changed my life and I have since studied with as many facilitators as I can from around the world. It's my deep passion to share this work with as many people as possible"- Lisa Cefalu
RESULTS: “The Constellation Process that I experienced was nothing short of a miracle. For the first time in my life I am feeling my emotions” S. L./Engineer/Pennsylvania
Information on Epigenetics and link to Bert Hellinger's site, founder of Constellation Therapy, is on my resource page
Lisa facilitates Private & Group Constellations in her office or your preferred location
If you are interested in this therapy Lisa will travel to facilitate individual or group processes
(traveling feels apply)
If you are interested in this therapy Lisa will travel to facilitate individual or group processes
(traveling feels apply)
Empowering You to Heal with Trauma Informed Therapies
12304 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 208-A, Santa Monica 90025
Conveniently located in upper Santa Monica with easy access to the 405 and 10 Freeways.
Street and Garage Parking Available
Telehealth sessions also available
12304 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 208-A, Santa Monica 90025
Conveniently located in upper Santa Monica with easy access to the 405 and 10 Freeways.
Street and Garage Parking Available
Telehealth sessions also available